The drummer of Stray Cats Slim Jim plays a few songs and tells stories from his decades-long music career, focusing on backstage and other interesting encounters with fellow celebrities.

Slim Jim Phantom (of Stray Cats)

Slim Jim Phantom has secured his place as a true rock-n-roll icon. As the legendary drummer for the Stray Cats, Phantom, alongside band mates Brian Setzer and Lee Rocker, spearheaded the neo-rockabilly movement of the early 80s. The Stray Cats had numerous hit singles in the early 1980s, their classic album “Built for Speed” went double platinum, and their song “Rock This Town” is in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame’s list of “The Songs That Shaped Rock and Roll.” Over 40 years and millions of record sales later, Slim Jim Phantom continues to inspire and excite audiences worldwide. With a sound, style and image that remain as fresh today as they ever were, Phantom has cemented his place among rock royalty. Considered by many as the coolest drummer in rock-n-roll, Phantom’s influence is still clearly felt on today’s music scene with countless rockabilly drummers imitating his pioneering stand-up style. When he is not touring the world, Jim and Jennie reside in Los Angeles, California, with 4 pussy cats and a dog.

Rockabilly Confidential

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